28 June 2010

Saturday Night Beaver

So Saturday was the Real World New Orleans premier in Boston. We watched the first episode. All were in attendance. Q6Q, PrestoMajic, Mango, Kingston, and of course, yours truly. @AshleeFeldman was there with her pussy posse, and we ended up kissing in the photo booth. That's an entirely different story though.

The real story pertains to what a total douche Ryan Leslie is. See, here's my take on it. He's a misunderstood 12 year old trapped in a 13 year old's body with the tattoo's of an angsty 11 year old. That's all well and good. I'm sure he's a decent kid and they're going to make him look like a total a-hole during this season's real world.

But it doesn't help when you start acting like a total a-hole in real life too. Yes, I instigated it. But honestly, you have to be prepared for this shit if you put yourself on national TV.

I'd just like to point out - 4 retweets within the first minute of tweeting that. kthx.

Then, I get an eloquent response:

And then bam:

and boo hoo poor baby:

it's okay, love u too:

Seriously? Blow me.

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