23 June 2010

Feedback on my video!

Posted on Facebook by a stranger named Ryan Keeley (Kingston Army, poised to rape and pillage). He sounds like a goth or something:

"What the FUCK did I just watch. I feel like my eyes as well as my central nervous system was just skull fucked by God's dick of karma. In no hypothetical instance would I force any entity to bear witness to what I just watched. It was, without question or even a smidgen of doubt, the most atrocious collection of poorly shot, shoddily written ... See Moreand downright appalling collection of what I hesitate to even call cinema/music. I hope that no other human being is conned into watching that, and, if by some cruel twist of fate someone does, God bestow mercy on their souls. Fuck."


UPDATE: Rave Social has just been informed that the conductor of this hate train is actually NOT a fan; he lives under a bridge and, thus, is a troll.

And to that, we say: Get back under that bridge, ugly.